As we all know, there are vertical machine center(VMC) and horizontal machine center(HMC) and multi axis machining center. And it cost a lot if the machine center is out of work. Thus, we need to do good maintenance job. This paper introduces how to maintain the VMC. The maintenance is divided into routine maintenance and regular maintenance.

Daily Check
Items To Be Checked Before Starting
- Oil cooler, cooling water tank, thin oil electric lubrication pump oil or coolant is sufficient.
- Whether the power connection of the machine is normal.
- Good lighting conditions should be maintained around the machine tool, the environment should be clean, remove obstacles around the machine tool.
- Check whether the tool is loose on the spindle of the machine tool (check that the tool is in the correct position on the tool library).
- Whether the door of the machine protection room is closed.
- Check the position and function of safety device.
- Whether the workpiece clamping is firm and reliable
The ProjectsTo Be Checked After Startup
- Whether the lubricating oil supply of each lubrication point is normal.
- Whether the lighting equipment of the machine tool is normal.
- Oil cooler, cooling water tank, pneumatic coupler, thin oil electric lubrication pump and other indicator values are within the normal range.
- Is there any abnormal sound or phenomenon after the machine is started?
- Whether there is vibration or jitter of the spindle.
- Check whether the pipes are damaged.
- Whether there is water leakage or oil leakage in the protection room and other connecting parts.
- Check whether actual machining accuracy is within tolerance range.
Items To Be Checked At The End Of Each Day
- After the operation, the main power switch must be turned off.
- After the operation, the machine must be cleaned thoroughly.
- After the operation, if the oil supply for the moving parts is not sufficient, the lubricating oil should be added immediately, and the deterioration should be replaced immediately.
- Check whether the oil quantity of the lubrication pump is sufficient every day.
Items To Be Checked Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly And Yearly
Items To Be Checked Weekly
- Cooling water tank, thin oil electric lubrication pump oil supply is sufficient.
- Lubricating oil supply for each sliding surface.
- Pneumatic two air filter water is clean.
Items To Be Checked Monthly
- Whether the oil in the unloading cylinder is sufficient.
- Air supply and voltage supply is normal.
- Whether there is coolant leakage in the protection room and other connecting parts.
- Lubricating pump low transmitter whether there is an alarm.
- Whether the filter net of lubricating pump and oil cooler needs to be cleaned.
- Whether the filter net of oil cooler is clean.
Items To Be Checked Quarterly
- Whether the coolant has deteriorated and needs to be replaced.
- Whether there is rust or poor lubrication of each lubrication surface.
- Whether there is air leakage and oil leakage at the gas pipe, oil pipe and pipe joint.
- Check whether there is pressure difference between the two ends of the air filter in the pneumatic coupling. If the pressure difference is greater than 0.1 mpa, please replace the filter element.
Items To Be Checked Annually
- Whether the air filter needs to be cleaned or replaced.
- Whether there are chips, sediment and so on in the cooling water box.
- Check machine accuracy, whether within tolerance range (refer to machine certificate).
- Check whether the main functional components are normal.
In Conclusion
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