
Common CNC Machine Failures

Common CNC Machine Failures

2022-06-11 16:33:23

Have your CNC machines been behaving oddly lately? Do you notice a strange tick in their output, or in the way the machines are acting?


If so, you’re in the right place. We’re going to talk about a few of the most common problems in CNC machines, and how to fix these problems.



What Are Some Things That Can Cause Issues in CNC Machines 5 axis milling machine manufacturers?


No matter how fast and efficient CNC machines is, they’re not infallible. They develop problems and need maintenance just like any other type of machine or tool. And like any other tool, there are certain things you can do that might inadvertently damage these machines. There are also definite steps you can take to keep them in good working order.


While there are certainly any number of problems that can lead to issues and errors within CNC machining, some problems are more commonplace than others. These problems are also ones that are easy to overlook and easy to misdiagnose.


❎Poor or Improper Maintenance


5 axis milling machine manufacturers need to be carefully cleaned and lubricated on a regular basis — otherwise, problems can begin to arise. A lack of cleaning could lead to a buildup of dirt and debris. This might seem to be purely a hygiene issue, but it can have real implications in the machine’s output.


For example, if you begin to notice the material sliding around during the cutting process, a buildup of dirt could be preventing the machine from working correctly and providing the most accurate instructions. If this issue continues to go unchecked, it will create challenges as the machine struggles to locate and hold materials still. This leads to greater issues with accuracy and precision, and ultimately leads to more errors.


Improper lubrication can lead to machine parts sticking or not moving as smoothly as they should. This can lead to errors, as well as overheating and air blockage. Both overheating and a lack of air can also cause problems like material movement during the process.


❎Improper Settings or Tools


Perhaps one of your tools is becoming blunt, a cutting coolant or lubricant is failing to work correctly or a tool is moving at the wrong speed. All these issues will cause similar sorts of problems. The most likely result of one or more of these issues is the appearance of small burn marks around the edges and corners of the material.


The reason for this is simple. If the tool is moving too slowly, the material will be under the cutting edge for longer than it should be. This results in the burning and scarring you’re seeing. Similarly, if the coolant is not working correctly, things could be getting too hot, and the edges of the material might be getting singed as a result.


If one of your tools itself is burned, you’ll need to adjust the settings as needed for that particular tool so it isn’t scarring the material. Or, if the tool is blunt and not cutting correctly anymore, it could just be time to replace it altogether.


For more information about 5 axis machining center manufacturers, we are glad to answer for you.

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