
CNC Machine Tool Mistakes – The Big Four

CNC Machine Tool Mistakes – The Big Four

2022-06-11 16:28:58

What should you do when you encounter an issue with your CNC machine tool? Should you try to fix it yourself, call the supplier of the machines, or Google for answers?


In this article, we will try to answer some of the most common problems and challenges faced in CNC simultaneous 5 axis milling, and suggest ways for you to solve them.


5 axis milling center factories


CNC Machine Tool Mistakes – The Big Four


From our experience, the bulk of the problems faced by machinists in using CNC lathes, simultaneous 5 axis milling and multi-axis machining centres revolve around four main issues.


✔️#1 Using the Wrong Cutting Tools / Settings


Choosing the wrong cutting tool for the job may often result in poor quality material finishes. This could be seen as rough edges, cutter marks on the surface, raised marks, or burn marks on the material’s edges or corners. Extensive tool wear may result from this error.


Poor material finishes could be due to either bluntness in the tool used, or improper feed speed ratio. It may also be caused by the wrong dimensions of the tool for the job at hand in terms of the sizes, quality or match with the material.


To resolve this, it is important to choose the right tool and setting for the job and material.


✔️#2 Errors in Programming


As highly sophisticated equipment controlled by CNC computers, much of the issues which arise in CNC simultaneous 5 axis milling often comes from programming. These may come from a lack of understanding of the different G and M codes used for the controller, wrong set-up, or inputting the wrong data variables into the CNC controller.


To resolve these errors, it is important for new operators to be adequately trained in the different ways in which CNC machines can be programmed. Comprehensive user manuals and training, motion sequencing, and operation of the machine should be provided to new operators by the machine suppliers or experienced operators on the shop floor.


✔️#3 Poor Maintenance of CNC Machine Tool


Modern machines with multiple constantly moving mechanical parts, CNC Machine Tools need to be regularly cleaned and maintained to keep them running optimally.


Failure to clear away dirt, material and other debris could result in a build-up which over time can result in inaccuracies in machining or even machine failures.


To prevent this, it is crucial for machine operators to follow a detailed maintenance regime for the machine tools in use. They should also regularly check levels of coolants or airflow, e.g. air filters, to ensure that operations continue to be smooth and uninterrupted.


Note: an overheated spindle could result from having a choked air filter in your cooling system.


✔️#4 Inadequate Worker Skill and Training


With increasing use of computing and programming, CNC 5 axis cnc milling machine tool operators these days need a different set of knowledge and skills. Without the right organisational, planning and programming skills, workers are unable to optimize the yield of these machines even if they have 5 axis cnc milling machine skill and experience using previous models of machines in the past.


To ensure that this is resolved, you need to hire the right 5 axis cnc milling machine operators who can visualise and design the machining process, select the correct tools and sequences for the job, and write the programmes.


For more information about simultaneous 5 axis milling center factories, we are glad to answer for you.

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