china 3 axis cnc machine

Vertical Machine Center BF-850V

BF-850V is a vertical machining center that provides high precision and high power with a very reasonable cost. This machine's features include an ultra-rigid structure, X/Y/Z axis high precision linear guide, ball screw with locking preload design, water cooling system, automatic lubrication system for the spindle shaft, etc. It can be widely used in the automotive, machinery, instrumentation and light industrial textile industries to fully demonstrate high precision and high efficiency machining capability at a very reasonable cost.

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BAOFENG BF-6029L Double Column Machining Center

We offer Taiwan gear type spindle box and Germany ZF gearbox to realize strong cutting, equipped with Taiwan right angle milling head to realize simple horizontal machining requirements, and equipped with Taiwan universal milling head to realize multiple angle machining requirements. Equipped with automatic pentahedron milling head to realize multiple dimension high precision machining.

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BAOFENG BF-5029L Double Column Machining Center

Double-column machining center is mainly used for the processing of large boxes, complex surface molds, large-shaped parts. The main parts are bed and spindle, which are made from high quality materials. Also have a variety of technological equipment and appropriate accessories to ensure that the finished product is qualified.

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